Image via Allison Norton Happy Friday everyone! Can you believe this gorgeous weather we've been having? Seems a little odd in February, but we'll take it. After such a grey Winter, us Canadians deserve a little sunshine. So, as I mentioned last week, Ashley, her sister, Eddie and I are headed to LA to pick up new styles and brands for this upcoming fashiontruck season! Can you believe the truck will be opening it's doors to a fourth season at the end of March? Time really does fly. Speaking of, this buying trip really snuck up on us quick, we're just over a week away from taking off. If you couldn't tell, we're over-the-top excited. :) Obviously work comes...
Hey ladies, guess what? It's Thanksgiving! Can you believe how fast this holiday has come this year? It feels like yesterday, we were all at the beach, soaking up the sun. Amazing how time just flies by. To be honest though, I LOVE this time of year. I always get so into cooking, baking, my Fall scented candles and hanging with loved ones. It's also that season where you give thanks for all of the blessings in your life and the wonderful, supportive people that are always there for you. Given the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Fashion Truck is having its BIGGEST SALE EVER this Saturday (October 8th) at Harper's Landing in Oakville from 10am-4pm. We are SO grateful for...