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Happy New Year to all our FTC customers and blog readers! I hope everyone had a fabulous celebration and enjoyed some time off with family, friends and loved ones. It certainly was a fun-filled holiday season for the Fashion Truck gals! December was packed with private shopping parties and events, finished off with lots of family time, great food, drink and tons of laughter and warmth. After all, family time is the best time!
Can you believe 2016 is already in the books? It flew by! With a brand new year upon us, we thought it'd be fitting to share our New Year's resolutions with you all. It was hard to focus on just one aspect of our lives, so we have included personal and professional goals.
Are you setting goals for the year ahead? We find resolutions extremely positive, inspiring and fun. It's always extremely rewarding to set your sights on something and finally reach it. Whether it's to increase your personal health, add to you bank account or disconnect from social media, there's no right or wrong answer. Below, find our resolutions for 2017. Hope we give you a little motivation/inspiration to do your own. Good luck :)
Can you believe 2016 is already in the books? It flew by! With a brand new year upon us, we thought it'd be fitting to share our New Year's resolutions with you all. It was hard to focus on just one aspect of our lives, so we have included personal and professional goals.
Are you setting goals for the year ahead? We find resolutions extremely positive, inspiring and fun. It's always extremely rewarding to set your sights on something and finally reach it. Whether it's to increase your personal health, add to you bank account or disconnect from social media, there's no right or wrong answer. Below, find our resolutions for 2017. Hope we give you a little motivation/inspiration to do your own. Good luck :)
Ashley Mitobe, Owner and Founder, Fashion Truck Canada
Personal Resolutions
1. I want to spend as much time as I can outside and get my body moving! I want to attend more organized classes such as spinning, hot yoga, or join a run group. Anything that will improve my overall health and will help me feel a sense of community in a big city.
2. When I'm with my family, I want to make a point of putting my phone down and be more in the moment. In this day and age, it's so easy to get caught up in social media and chat with people around the clock, but I want to prioritize and recognize when it's time to shut down and enjoy my loved ones.
Professional Resolutions
1. We have some very exciting things in store for this company in 2017. We promise it will be our best year yet, just wait and see!
2. We are instilling a new hostess incentive for people who host private, corporate or charity events.
3. We will be bringing new brands and a fresh new look to the Fashion Truck. When we open for the season, you'll be pleasantly surprised with all of the wonderful changes.
Kayla Walsh, Manager & Stylist, Fashion Truck Canada
Personal Resolutions
1. I want to get my finances in order. I'm making a steady income but I'm not very organized when it comes to my spending. Although I'm on track at the age of 30, five years into a mortgage, I want to invest in my future and put more savings away for a rainy day.
2. My health needs to be more of a priority. I go to the gym around 3-4 times a week, but my workouts aren't enough. I want to join Spokehaus, ramp up my interval training and be more active. It's so easy to go home after work, sit on the couch and take part in a Netflix binge, no more!
3. I want to make the most of my off days. I want to explore more of the city, try new recipes with my husband and step out of my comfort zone. I often fall back on the same types of plans with friends and family, but I want to be a bit more adventurous with the time I have away from work.
Professional Resolutions
1. I want to learn the buying aspect of the business. Ashley is so incredibly talented when it comes to curating fashions for the truck, and she would be amazing to learn from. I can't wait for our trip to LA!
2. I want to help grow the brand and business across Canada. The Fashion Truck has so much potential to be a well recognized brand in this country and I want to use my contacts in broadcasting to help spread the word about this incredible company.

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Welcome to 2017 everyone, let's make it a great one with a powerful start! Make it count.
Fashion Truck team xoxo